18 November 2014

Another dinner - Esco Restaurant & Cafe

So.. perjalanan mencari kepuasan jasmani kami selanjutanya ( wow.. tolong jangan dikonotasikan yang lain) tiba di esco restaurant. tempatnya di Mrican, sebelahnya apartement merah. Cukup dengan dengan kantor yang masih dikawasan UGM.

Pintu masuknya unik, pengen foto-foto di situ tapi agak malu ya.. diliatin tukang parking yang lagi kongkow didepan resto.

 Okey, since you mention need, i'll notice.. hahaha..
kami duduk di bagian cafenya, yang sepertinya cukup cozy, dan ada bule lagi kerja disitu sendirian. *colek puspa*. Maunya duduk di kursi sofa yang disana itu, tapi agak awkward karena ada sibule... Jadi disini aja menikmati bau kopi, tapi di jam 19.30 rasanya too late to drink coffee for both of us. So.. ini menunya..

Jadi aku pesen, salmon baguette (Rp 29.000,-) dan hot chocolate (Rp 20.000,-). Si Puspa pesan ESCO fish and Chips (Rp 49.000,-) dan hotchocolate juga.

Salmon baguette

ESCO Fish and Chips
Hot Chocolate

 Untuk salmon baguettenya enak, rotinya ga terlalu crispy dan ga terlalu lembek.. just the way i like. Hot chocolatenya so.. so.. Fish and chipsnya menurutku chipsnya enak.. ehehehe..

10 November 2014

Mengusir galau, Dinner at Canting - Kuliner jogja

Teman kita nyang satu ini lagi galau, so.. kami berusaha untuk menghiburnya. Apa sih yang lebih baik dari makanan enak dan a good wine.. to fix the broken heart. (etciiyeeeh).
Suasananya lumanyan cozy, untuk ukuran jogja canting ini masih tergolong tempat nongkrong yang agak eksklusif.
Dan.. Inilah menunya, well.. agak clueless juga pengen makan apa, cuma kalau aku, aku ga pengen makan burger, dan puspa juga udah pernah nyobain burgernya.

 Jadi aku pesen fetucini carbonara, dan puspa pesan buritos. Minumnya puspa pesan Merlot wine dan aku tentunya jus strawberry.. (i cant handle alcohol at all).

 Fetucini carbonaranya cheesy sekali, aku sendiri ndak terlalu bisa makan banyak kejo. so yang suka malah puspa. sedangkan pesanannya puspa, buritos ini enak. ada sensasi asam lime ricenya dan asin dari corn chips, haha.. kita bisa tukar makanan lah.

 Dessertnya pesan lava cake.. yum yum.. Rasanya tidak terlalu manis, jadi ga eneg. Tapi ndak pahit juga. ditemani ama es krim vanilla yang creamy. Pas disendok sedikit cakenya, tumpahlah lavanya mbleber dengan cantiknya.

Kemudian orang ini datang sejam kemudian. yeaah.. dari belahan dunia lain soalnya. Laste pesan Canting "joss" Burger. Dan buble gum mocktail. Untuk burgernya menurut puspa enak, menurut laste juga. aku sendiri ga nyicipin, cuma sempat nyicipin bublegum mocktail ini, dan rasanya.. ehm.. permen karet gitu deh. dengan buah naga. agak unik.

Dari segi harga, mungkin aku ga akan kesini sering- sering. tapi dari segi rasa.. mungkin aku akan kesini lagi kalau mau celebrate something. xixixi

05 November 2014

Makan Siang at Eastern Kopi TM Jogja

  Setiap jumat, kantor kami tercinta menerapkan jam istirahat yang lebih panjang daripada hari biasa. Jadi biasanya kami akan mencari tempat makan yang agak jauh, biar sekalian refreshing. Kali ini kami nyobain tempat baru di seturan, tulisannya gedhe banget EASTERN KOPI TM. Bangunannya dari luar lucu, karena aku penyuka bentuk bangunan yang bagus, aku langsung penasaran ingin mencoba tempat makan baru ini.
Aku pesan yamie rica, yang sayangnya aku tuang sambal terlalu banyak jadi ndak sanggup ngabisin. Mas-mas yang mberesin makanan perhatian banget sampe nanyain "kenapa ndak habis mbak? apa kurang enak " aaawh.. tenang mas ini my bad kok, salah tuangin sambal aja.

 Minumnya aku pesan lemontea, yeah.. selalu lemontea, temanku ada yang pesannya teh manis hangat dan begitu datang, tehnya cukup untuk 4 orang mungkin ya. Dua temanku yang lain pesan pad Thai dan beberapa dinsum. sempat nyicipin padthainya, cukup acceptable dimulut, tapi masih prefer pataya (sayangnya udah ga ada). Dinsumnya yang aku cicipin bakpao ayam, dan enak!
Lapar dessert dan sesuatu yang meredakan kepedasan yamie ricaku, jadi pesen roti bakar coklat keju. dan wow.. amazeballs.. rasanya endes bingit cyin. Oke next kalau kesini pesen rotibakar aja yg banyak.

sayangnya aku ga sempet motret makanannya. haha.. apalagi inget harganya. Seingatku sih harganya sekitar 25rbu ++ dan roti bakarnya 15-20rbuan sepertinya.

22 September 2014

I sought the lord and He Heard me and delivered me from all my fears

source : http://www.mercyisnew.com
When did you go and find Your God?
is it when you in the mood of joy?
is it when sorrow come?

for me my Lord is my home, when i am tired of admiring His creations.. then i retreat and sought Him and reminding my self that all of that including i am belongs to Him and then i will feel no pain in losing..

11 Agustus 2014

Sambisari Temple

So i have this photo from my post on #makeupbyrethz, this photos taken on a cultural heritage area near my home. Yeaa.. how blessed! i live in yogyakarta so.. all area is cultural heritage haha..

Sambisari is a 9th-century Hindu temple located at Sambisari hamlet, Purwomartani village, Kalasan, Sleman regency, Yogyakarta, Indonesia. The temple was buried about five metres underground.[1] Parts of the original temple have been excavated. The temple is located about 8 km east of Yogyakarta near Adisucipto International Airport.
Based on the architecture style and ornaments of the building that resembles those on Prambanan, the findings of Hindu statues around the temple walls, and the lingga-yoni inside the main temple; historians concluded that Sambisari was a Shivaite Hindu temple built around first or second decade of 9th century (circa 812-838). This conclusion was supported by the findings of gold plate in vicinity engraved with letters that according to paleography was used in early 9th century ancient Java.[2]

According to Wanua Tengah inscription III dated 908 that contains the name of kings that ruled Mataram Kingdom, the temple was probably built during the reign of Rakai Garung (ruled 828-846). However, historians also consider that the construction of a temple was not always issued by a king. Lesser nobles might have also ordered and funded the construction. (wikipedia)

 Actually, we are doing this photo shoot for testing makeup for sonia graduation. But yea.. well.. i think i still have something to brighten up the colour..

Hey this is swetest sita

27 Juni 2014

Craving for travelling

Im sooo bored.. so i post some of last year photos. haha.
So this photo taken when I'm on a business trip to Jakarta, this event called Indonesia International Motor Show. It's an annual event held in Kemayoran, Jakarta Indonesia. So the company I work in participating in this event and I of course have to assist the sales promotion girl to do their job. Not to to lose the chance, I took a walk around the hall.
I really longing to travelling to some place that inspiring.. haha

02 Desember 2013

The Super Best Friend in Super Long Weekend

This is a very late post. On oct 12th 2013 me and my dear best friends enjoy the extended long weekend. I'm very blessed to have such a wonderful time with those great people whom never failed to make me feel loved no matter what.

Our First Destination is Ganjuran 

 Ganjuran is unique temple on north side of Bantul, a regencies of Special District of yogyakarta. The Church of the Sacred Heart of Jesus (Gereja Hati Kudus Yesus) is a Roman Catholic church located in Ganjuran, Bantul, Java, Indonesia. It is also known as the Ganjuran Church, based on its location. It is the oldest church in its administrative regency.
The church was established on 16 April 1924 by the Schmutzer family, who owned a sugar factory in the area. From a total of 25 Catholics in the area in 1922, the congregation has expanded to 8,000 in 2011. The building has seen many modifications, including a reconstruction after the May 2006 Java earthquake. Much critical commentary has been made on its Javanese design, and the church continues to include Javanese culture in its liturgy. (source : wikipedia )

Our2nd Destination is Samas Beach

Samas  Beach is located in west side of parangtitis beach. One of our friend from medan, noerth sumatera, wanted to see parangtritis beach, but we lost in our way and accidentally arrive at samas beach, so we pretend it was parangtritis beach... until the local people welcoming us.. jejejeje.. 

so i appreciate the memories and i keep it so it can remind me that i still have great time in the past, so i don't focus on the bad ones..